Sunday, March 15, 2009

back to THE zero

problems? conflicts? all around
solutions? where are you?
may be is not the time for it to come help
but is that every problems can be solve?
may be is yes but not may be is not
for now it is as unsolvable problems

thinking again and again
still cannot get the best solution to solve
thanks to a friend that give a word

ya forget about it and don't put it inside
may be is just a temporary way to away from it
may be is forever to not bother about it
once forget choose to forever forget about it
let it join in previous part in is not our choice
but for the current and present is depend on us

choose to forget forever about the unsolvable problems
choose to back to the origin and let everything start with zero
choose to lose the relationship with them
let it be the stranger across that no relation


Sharky said...

life must forgive & forget..if we never forget then we ll never move forward..

Anonymous said...

forget and forgive are related depend which one come first.

1) because forget bring us forgive and happy
2) because forgive bring us forget and accept

but if both to choose, i rather choose happy

Sharky said...

ceh so fast reply 1..every1 sure choose happy but that is impossible all the time..sometimes we need to do something we not so like as well..

Anonymous said...

that is life~~but we can choose to how our life to be continue~~~

Little Match Gal.. said...

it is better to forgive and forget rather then forget and forgive. Sometime thing can start all over again by taking different path but try to face it and take it as an value in facing different type of problem...

Anonymous said...

for a person to change is harder than to move a mountain....
if forgive and forget can get a person realize and make a person change...sure i will choose to do that....but is that possible?how many percentage?hahaha...think about it...