Tuesday, June 9, 2009


holiday~~what a long holiday stay home for nothing
this is the first time to have my longest holiday since primary end
and this should be the first time i really go for so many trip in a holiday
bored to have what a long holiday like this, everyday repeated the same

human are weird
when too much of work to do they complain too tired want holiday
when too free and nothing to do they complain too bored want to find work
may be i m this type of people that cannot have too free and cannot be too busy

few day holiday can relax and cool down the tension and stress
long time of holiday can is too bored because this will lazy ourselves
may be the holiday means for me is relax and away from the stress awhile
but not ignore and neglected the stress and problem that having
so long holiday for me may be is not so suitable because is like empty to my life everyday...