Looking For Another Missing Ownself, Hold The Hand Old Ages Together
"Bible" story, God made a Garden of Eden and live with many kind of livings. In the Central Park, there are two trees: the tree of life and wisdom of the tree. God created Adam, so he went to the garden and told him that, in addition to the tree of life and wisdom of the fruit, other fruit he could eat. God sent all the animals to Adam, where Adam gave names to all animals named. , God let Adam have a good sleep. While Adam slept, God removed his rib from his bone use to create Eve, so that Adam will not be lonely. Adam and Eve are live in happy in the Garden of Eden. But one day, Eve believed what had been said by the snake, then she pick two fruits of wisdom. One she eat and another one she give Adam to eat it. God knows that he very angry because of them did not listen to him. Then, he drive them out from the Garden of Eden to the world. As the punishment for them, he put them separate far at the end of two different edges of the world. That what is the reason why all live in the world nonstop looking forward to get a complete own-self. Thus, they nonstop looking for another half of their missing part of themselves. Flowers are looking the missing half of themselves with the help of insects. Same to animals and human, they are keep looking forward to another missing part of themselves. Then, holding the hand of each others walk into the hall, old ages together.
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