A fox saw and walk nearer under the tree praised loudly to the crow said:" What a beautiful and noble birds, if it got a nice voice for sure won't be the problem to become king of the birds."
After listen to the fox, crow replied and said:"Who said my voice not nice?"
While it opened the mouth and the meat is drop, the fox got the meat.
The fox eat the meat and said to crow:" Your sound is terrible and you are stupid as well."
This story had been told since young but there is still a lot of crow willing to fool. Even the fox use the same way to trick, but there is a lot of crow is willing to fool. At last the fox got what he want, sadly to say that every crow is same fool. Even they know the fate at last will be the same as the first crow, but they still willing to get in the trick of the fox. This exactly confirmed a sentence of twister in chinese; Jiang Tai Gong is fishing ( those who willing hooked). Others cannot be the fact that fooled us, but the realistic is ourselves do willing to be the fact fooled by others.