rushing on time again~~
this is not the first time...
a lot of thing need to complete
yet some is not even start at all
one sentence to conclude is "Oh My God!!! GG lo!!!"
ready myself to be drive overnight car everyday to complete all
hopefully now all the sick and problem Creator can far from me
no laptop problem, no unsolvable problem, no continue adding homework~~~
hehehe~~cause now already a mountain collection.....
wish everything will be ok soon as soon as possible
suddenly feel miss home....
for the first time everyone is home gather.....only me is not around
feel sorry to them because i cannot get adjust the time together with them
i can't remember since when i never have together with all member in family together
1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 5 years....5 years....
i cannot get meet everyone of them even is Chinese new year......Miss you all~~~
last week i was attend my brother convoy in melaka. i felt want to convoy also as soon as possible. That time only i realize that during the study life is how nice, want go trip just go, want sleep just sleep, no need to worry about others things. When we go out for working soon, there was no time for us together to trip again. I want go trip around before i graduate from that one day later i wont regret because no time trip with friend. Now i still got 2 semester break before end my studies life. I want go trip around....yahooooooo........