Wednesday, October 14, 2009


fishing is a good outdoor activities to train our patient
but another type of fishing which is not good is because place wrong
fishing in the class, fishing in the working place is all wrong
but we cannot away from this most of the time
a lot of experiment was did and prove to us
the main fact of the fishing reason is a lot of theory in class
the class was so bored until everyone was empty their mind go fishing
yesterday was my first time have the mind to catch big fish.....
it was very tired to hold the fishing rod, waiting and waiting the fish get in my bait

suddenly i hear the word "QUIZ", my big fish was run away from me again!!!haiz....


Little Match Gal.. said...

100% agree just fishing rod ar..? I use net already

Anonymous said...

the only class will be fishing is heat..may be is too hot..the weather make everyone feel sleepy.haiz..need to work harder in heat liao...test 1 gg case...